Making Your Fitness Program More Challenging

Making your fitness program more challenging is an excellent way of progressing and will help you stay motivated. You should go over the following article to learn more about efficient strategies you can use to make your fitness program more interesting and challenging.

If you always follow the same workout routine, it is time to design different routines. You could for instance work on a different muscle group every day of the week or entirely focus on your cardio two or three times a week. Use workout videos or do some research on the Internet to learn more about the different exercises you could add to your current workout routines to make them more interesting.

Make cardio an important element of all your workout routines. If you are interested in strength training, you should take several short breaks during your workout routines so you can do some intensive cardio training for ten to fifteen minutes before going back to your usual workout routine.

You could for instance run on your treadmill or do some shadow boxing. This is an excellent way of building your resistance and making you stronger. Start very slowly by adding only one short cardio workout to each exercise routine.

If you want more muscle mass, focus on doing as many reps as possible for each of your exercises. You should also have exercises for each muscle to make sure you are developing your body in a harmonious way.

You can easily increase the number of reps you can do for each exercise by taking a short break when you are exhausted. Take a few minutes to relax and stretch your muscles before going back to doing more reps of the same exercise.

Find some new activities for your cardio workouts. If running or going for walks is not challenging enough, you should use your cardio workouts to acquire new skills. If you enjoy sports, find a local team you can join to compete against others.

You could also join a gym and sign up for the different classes they offer such as martial arts, aerobics or dance. Try different activities until you find one that really interests you.

Set some more challenging goals for your fitness program. If you can easily meet your weekly goals, it is time to make things more interesting by giving yourself less time to reach these same goals or by adding a new weekly goal.

You could for instance plan on losing two pounds a week and add an extra ten minutes to all your workout routines by doing more reps. If you are focusing on building your muscle mass, make things more challenging by lifting heavier weights. If you are only working out at home, you should consider joining a gym so you can use more equipment to exercise.

It is important to keep your fitness program interesting and challenging or you will quickly lose interest. Use the tips you just read and try different strategies until you find one that really works for you.

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